
Ahmed Ismail Saleh also known as Ahmed Alhasan, is the Saviour of Mankind, promised Yamani , messenger from Emam alMahdi

  • Birth: 12th December 1968
  • Nationality: Iraqi
  • Academy: basrah academy

Ahmed Ismail Saleh also known as Ahmed Alhasan, is the Saviour of Mankind.
He has come for all people of every religion and ideology. He has also come for the agnostics and the atheists.
He has come to unite all people upon the absolute truth from the One Eternal God.
This book is based on a collection of accounts narrated by individuals who have been fortunate enough to spend extended periods of time in the company of Ahmed Alhasan, the prophesied Yamani and the Messenger from Imam al Mahdi (Peace be upon Them).
Furthermore, it contains content from Ahmed Alhasan, extracted from interviews, Facebook posts, his numerous books and correspondence with the Ansar.
Through this book, God willing, we hope that it could be made easy for you beloved reader, to realise that this individual is the one that the world has been waiting for.

Ahmed Alhasan 2022


  1. The Allegories part 1
  2. The Atheism Delusion
  3. The Thirteenth Disciple
  4. Supremacy of God and not Supremacy of the People
  5. The atheism delusion
  6. The Wilderness or the Path to God
  7. The Sealing Prophecy
  8. They Ask You About The Soul
  9. The Calf volume 1
  10. The Calf volume 2
  11. Enlightenments from the calls of the Messengers volume 1
  12. The Journey of Moses to the Junction of the Two Seas
  13. The Return the third of God’s greatest day
  14. Letter of Guidance
  15. With the Righteous Servant part 1
  16. The successor and messenger of Imam AlMahdi pbuh in the Torah Gospel and Quran
  17. Muharram Statment
  18. The calf volume 2
  19. The Interpretation of a Quran Verse from the Chapter of Jonah